Who we are


Listening, sharing, creativity and entrepreneurship.
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Elena Zambolin
Elena Zambolin
Business and technology, communication and social innovation: these are the cultural and entrepreneurial themes in which Elena’s career is rooted. She has been with Message since 2009, dealing with reputation strategy, branding and corporate communication for some of the biggest Italian companies.
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Elena Zambolin
Elena Zambolin

Business and technology, communication and social innovation: these are the cultural and entrepreneurial themes in which Elena’s career is rooted. She has been with Message since 2009, dealing with reputation strategy, branding and corporate communication for some of the biggest listed Italian companies, focussing in particular on structural and organisational change management.

She has gained much experience by working across Europe, Canada and the United States. Her expertise began at the Bocconi University in Milan, followed by in-depth studies related to Business and Management at HEC Montreal, Los Angeles University of California, NYU Stern School of Business in New York and lastly at the Rotterdam School of Management where she obtained a MSc in International Management (CEMS). She has also participated in academic research at the SDA Bocconi School of Management and in Technology & Operations Management at Harvard Business School.

With ICONA srl, she actively participates in the urban regeneration programme of Ivrea, which revolves around the historical Red Brick Factory where the entrepreneurial story of Olivetti began.

Alberto Zambolin
Alberto Zambolin
Alberto began his career in London with four years in the financial sector, after which he returned to Italy to join the Dow Jones Group, becoming Managing Director. In 1998 he moved to Il Sole 24 Ore where he was responsible for the digital evolution of the group until 2003.
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Alberto Zambolin
Alberto Zambolin

Alberto began his career in London with four years in the financial sector, after which he returned to Italy to join the Dow Jones Group, becoming Managing Director. In 1998 he moved to Il Sole 24 Ore where he was nominated Managing Director of the Radiocor Finanza & Internet division and was responsible for the digital evolution of the group until 2003.

In the same year he becomes the co-founder of Message, guiding the growth and development of the company to its leading position in the field of corporate communication. Message is extremely open to external collaboration and well-integrated in a rich ecosystem of operators. Alberto believes in service leadership and has always adopted transparent and participatory management models thanks to his strategic vision and pragmatism which enable him to respond concretely to customers’ demands.

He has a passion for business transformation processes, in particular on topics such as civil economy, stakeholder capitalism and Purpose & Reputation economy, which are central also to Il Quinto Ampliamento association, of which he is vice president. Alberto is also vice president of ICONA srl – owner of Officine ICO of Ivrea – and member of the AEG Coop board.

Dario Mezzaqui
Dario Mezzaqui
Dario is co-founder and vice president of Message. He supervises the brand identity and brand strategy offer, from purpose and values to reputation and sustainability integration in company strategy and culture.
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Dario Mezzaqui
Dario Mezzaqui

Dario is co-founder and vice president of Message. He supervises the brand identity and brand strategy offer,  from purpose and values to reputation and sustainability integration in company strategy and culture.

The positions covered in the Dow Jones Group, Associated Press and Il Sole 24 Ore - international and national leaders of financial information and content distribution digital platforms – have strongly contributed to his expertise and career, also influencing the establishment of Message as a company pointing towards online strategic communication projects for listed companies.

More recently, this vision is oriented towards designing projects aimed at guiding the top management of our customers in their choice of internal communication and assessment of the social and environmental impacts of their activities.

Dario is also responsible for international relations.


Valeria Pagani
Project & Content Management
Work and running represent the two challenges in life that Valeria faces with passion, willpower and determination. She is helpful, precise and resilient, and she enjoys working with the Message team of which she is a veteran, having started at a young age in 2007. She has developed an excellent know-how and experience in the field of editing and content and project management.
Serena Lorini
UX & UI Design
Serena obtained a degree in Media Design and is specialised in illustration and 2D animation. She then moved on to digital graphics and has tried her hand at web development. Her multifaceted background aids her in finding the right solutions to everyday challenges: after all, not everything is #FFFFFF or #000000. Whether with a mouse, graphic table, crayons or felt tips, she loves drawing just about anywhere.
Nicola Giglio
Nicola is a versatile problem solver. After a number of study and work experiences, he started working on the web in 2007. His work is at the crossroads between operations & project management, analysis and design, pre and post sales and the technical field. His belief that "the magic happens out of one’s comfort zone” allows him to discern customers’ needs and deal with them responsibly and reliably with his team.
Matteo Boria
Web Development
Matteo has a vast experience in many fields. The first was philosophy, then illustration and finally information technology. In between he has embarked on courses never concluded, he has been a teacher, educator, technician, cartoonist, a pony express rider and assistant geologist. In the early 2000s, he began working in server-side website programming, e-learning and web design. He has been with Message since 2016 and is involved in websites, intranets, apps and web-apps, UX, hosting and system integration.
Team Message
Lorenza Launi
From Tunisia, France and South Africa, Lorenza has travelled the world in search of her true vocation, only to return to Milan without really finding it. Nevertheless, she brought back bags of experience with her. She is an excellent organiser, especially of other peoples’ things, and the world of project management is another opportunity for her to broaden her horizons: her jobs before coming to Message included consulting in international co-operation and digitalisation in the public administration sector. Despite the various stops along the journey, the fact remains: there’s always something new to discover.
Francesco Tendi
Web development
Francesco was absorbed in the World Wide Web even before the release of Explorer 6. His job involves the analysis and development of cutting-edge solutions combined with optimum usability. His greatest desire is to succeed in transforming a graphic idea into a perfectly usable web page, obviously in the most elegant way. Whenever he can, he takes time to carefully plan his next travel destination in the world.
Riunione Senior
Marta Ricci
When you say "you have it in your blood", for Marta it is just like that: graphic design has always flowed in her veins. With more than 10 years of experience in the field, she has expanded her knowledge from print to web. Her continuous training is her lifeblood to always be able to transform customer needs into innovative projects in step with the times.
Creative and eclectic, she tries to bring all her enthusiasm about her into everything she does.
Francesca Farinon
Sustainability Analyst
Dynamic, empathetic and flexible are Francesca's main characteristics. During your university years you alternated between the world of art and the economic one, earning a degree in Business Management. Francesca discovers her great passion for sustainable finance, deciding to embark on a career path in this area. She is curious and always looking for new experiences, she likes adventurous travel and news podcasts.
Sara Pasini
Sustainability Services
Passionate about the humanities, Sara ranges in different worlds, launching herself from a linguistic high school to a degree in Economics and Business Management. From here she discovered a passion for sustainability and she obtained a master's degree in Green Economy and Sustainability at the University of Brescia.
She believes in the values of kindness and gentleness and is told very often that she thanks and apologizes way too much.
Team di Sostenibilità Message
Ludovica Luisa Vissat
Sustainability Services
From Friuli to the United States, passing through Spain and the United Kingdom, Ludovica dedicated herself to research in the field of computer science applied to ecology, and then embraced the commitment to sustainability, guided by her values. Thus he began his journey in Message, with great enthusiasm and a great desire to work in a group. Music has always been his passion, just as the contemporary circus continues to represent part of his identity.
Beatrice Muciaccia
Project Manager
Formazione economica, più di cinque anni di esperienza nel digital marketing del settore culturale prima e della sostenibilità poi, Beatrice approda nell’ambito del project management: le piace definirsi “collante” di un team grazie alla sua trasversalità di competenze, capacità di ascolto, doti organizzative e di time management. In Message, porta la sua esperienza in progetti di innovazione digitale e corporate. Ha sempre un trolley pronto per partire verso nuovi luoghi da scoprire e una playlist Spotify che spazia dal pop all’indie a farle compagnia.
Silvia Bonzano
Business Development Account
Energica, curiosa e sempre pronta a mettersi in gioco, queste le principali caratteristiche di Silvia. Dopo il liceo, lascia le colline del Monferrato per trasferirsi a Milano, dove consegue una laurea triennale in Economia Aziendale e una magistrale in Management presso l’Università Bocconi. Dopo gli studi comincia a lavorare nel mondo della consulenza di comunicazione e sostenibilità, occupando una posizione commerciale, che attualmente ricopre in Message.
Nel tempo libero, ama l'attività fisica (preferibilmente all'aperto), il teatro, viaggiare e divorare libri e serie TV.
Team sostenibilità2
Enrica Lapesa
Project & Content Management
Torinese DOC, con una Laurea in Scienze della Comunicazione presso l’Università di Torino e un Master in Marketing e Comunicazione allo IED, lavora nella comunicazione da oltre dieci anni. Tra le varie esperienze, il ruolo di Account & Social Media Manager l'ha portata verso la comunicazione interna, ambito in cui ha affinato competenze e contribuito a progetti significativi, trovando la sua strada professionale. Attenta ai dettagli e precisa, dedica tempo a perfezionare ciò che non la soddisfa al 100%. Appassionata di viaggi, arte e moda, ama scoprire culture diverse, fonte inesauribile di ispirazione.
Cristopher Marsala
Information Technology & Innovation
È un appassionato di tecnologia e videogiochi, con una solida esperienza nello sviluppo di applicazioni in realtà virtuale e aumentata, oltre che nello sviluppo di applicazioni in 2D e 3D. Ha conseguito una specializzazione come Sviluppatore Unity nel settore dei videogiochi presso la Scuola Internazionale di Comics a Torino, consolidando le sue competenze tecniche e creative.
Nel tempo libero si dedica a passioni che riflettono il suo spirito curioso e creativo: dai videogiochi al montaggio di LEGO, fino alla sperimentazione culinaria, dove ama esplorare nuove ricette e piatti innovativi. Grande appassionato di innovazione, è costantemente aggiornato sulle ultime novità tecnologiche e sugli strumenti di ottimizzazione, dimostrando un interesse genuino per tutto ciò che rappresenta il futuro e il progresso.
Incontro tra Busines Unit Sostenibilità e Performance
Fabrizio Orsano
Project & Content Management
Fabrizio has a degree in economics and a life dedicated to communication. An expert in copy and content strategy, he moulds words to help brands express themselves more effectively. At work and in life, his motto is: only those who do nothing make no mistakes! He has been working for Message since 2004, but when he grows up he wants to be a football trainer.
Ilaria Grecchi
UX & UI Design
Listening, ideas and creativity are Ilaria’s strong points. She listens to the demands of customers and is able to combine an alternative vision with usability. She is eager to explore and implement all forms of innovation beyond the limits of design and UX: her creativity is accompanied by her willingness to work in a team and her skills in customer management.
Marzia Rossi
Social Media & Digital Marketing
From Napster to Instagram, from Msn to Twitter, from MySpace to Tik Tok: the medium is the message and the Marzia’s goal is communication. Her social media world is without limits, words are semantic islands to be explored, colonised and studied. An attention to novelty, care of interpersonal relationships, curiosity and a pinch of empathy: these are the ingredients of her work.
Diego Fatone
Video Making
A lover of photography and all visual language, Diego began his career by working in TV, then moving on to experiment and acquire skills in graphic animation and visual effects. His humility, optimism and adaptability have led him to consider each challenge an opportunity to discover something new and stimulate his own creativity.
Antonio Mingirulli
Editorial Desk
Antonio is aware that he cannot rest on his laurels if he wishes to keep up to date with new technologies. He worked for one of Italy’s biggest tour operators, I Viaggi del Ventaglio, where he gained much experience in the management of websites and Internet service providers and in IT support to promotors.
Giovanni Caruso
System Integration
Giovanni has always considered Information Technology an innovative tool. He started as an assembler and then moved on to the Web and finally AI. Driven by his passion and curiosity, he studies the solutions able to enhance productive processes. He works behind the scenes at Message, co-ordinating the creation of products and platforms, pausing occasionally to solve the “tricky cases”. He describes his long bicycle rides and studying music as the best moments for reflecting on the inventions of the following day.
Davide Bottone
Information Technology & Innovation
Davide is a creator and innovator with a taste for challenge. He is skilled in the development of websites, e-commerce and app management. At Message, he contributed with his team to the creation of WeRep, a platform for the editing of financial and sustainability reports which has been adopted by many big companies and international banks. He dedicates any remaining free time to his children and semi-acoustic guitar. He’s still deciding what he wants to do when he grows up.
Incontro tra Business Unit Performance e Sostenibilità
Giovanni Digiacomo
The first thing that strikes you about Giovanni is his desire to humbly and responsibly understand and wonder at everything. A professional journalist since 2006, he is driven by his passion and curiosity to explain the finance, technology and sustainability that makes up the new economy, helping the reader along the way towards a greater understanding of the subject.
Giulia Marcucci
Project & Content Management
In the field of communication for more than fifteen years, a (remote) past as a copywriter that occasionally resurfaces and a natural propensity for project management, Giulia faces her work with pragmatism and concreteness, establishing a collaborative climate with colleagues, customers and suppliers, aggregating and relaxed in the pursuit of achieving the goal: quality work that everyone can be satisfied with. Convinced that time is the most precious asset, she strives not to lose it (and not to lose). Words are actions, better if said with a smile.
Enea Granchi
Sustainability Services
Outgoing, with strong ideals and always ready to have fun and entertain. Enea is a very active boy, who has always preferred to combine theory with practice, working while studying. In Pisa he graduated in Economics and Management, concluding his career with a Master's Degree in Green Management at Bocconi in Milan. He enters Message bringing a desire to party and spoiling his colleagues with impromptu lunches in the middle of the week.
Giulia Michelin
Sustainability Services
Giulia, who graduated in biological sciences, approached the issues of sustainability, driven by a sincere interest in the environment: she therefore decided to undertake this path by obtaining a degree in Environmental and Food Economics at the University of Milan. Curious and empathetic, she loves traveling and coming into contact with places and people of different cultures. A shortcut to exploring time and space virtually is reading, another of her passions.
Martino Serafini
Sustainability Services
Determinato, curioso e con un forte senso pratico, Martino si avvicina al mondo della sostenibilità durante la laurea magistrale in Management della sostenibilità e del turismo presso l'Università di Trento, dopo aver completato i primi studi nella sua città natale, Perugia.
Oggi vive a Milano, dove mette impegno e passione nel trasformare la sostenibilità in uno stile di vita e in una professione. Amante dello sport e delle emozioni forti, dedica i fine settimana alle gite fuori porta, al mare d’estate e allo sci d’inverno.
pausa caffè
Miguel Medina
Web Development
Con una base da grafico, Miguel ha iniziato il suo percorso nel web dal front-end, ampliando poi le sue competenze fino a padroneggiare anche il back-end per diventare uno sviluppatore full-stack. Affronta ogni progetto con passione e una particolare attenzione ai dettagli, vedendolo come un'opportunità per mettere alla prova le sue competenze e migliorarle continuamente.
Laura Cacciola
Project & Content Management
Laura works with care and enthusiasm, demonstrating a great desire to improve her skills. She compares her job to playing in a basketball team, where she has learnt that all teams have a goal to be reached together. She is aware of the needs of others, describing herself as a silent leader. Although she avoids the limelight, she works with the utmost concentration – a professional on which you can always count!
Gianluca Grosso
Information Technology
Managing and monitoring projects is always a challenge for Gianluca: deadlines, budgets, unforeseen events, people, customers, teams and external partners. He believes that succeeding in building relationships comes first – that is his greatest challenge. He has always worked in IT and has witnessed a number of transformations: from basic ERP architecture to databases and data flows to the unstable world of the Web and digital communication. Adapting to change is a necessary step forwards. But isn’t it like that everywhere?
Riunione Message
Domenico Schiraldi
Information Technology & Innovation
Domenico is a full stack developer with a humanistic studies background. However, quite by accident, he has found the answers to many unexplained technical curiosities in the coding theory.
He compares programming to mountain-climbing. Both require total dedication, an obsessive precision in analysing processes and a rapid response to unexpected events…… but when you reach the top the view is breath-taking!
Cristina Malenchini
Editorial Desk
To describe Cristina, empathy is surely the operative word, responsibility her leitmotif. At Message, she deals with corporate communication, having years of editing experience behind her which she gained with both national and international information providers such as Radiocor, Dow Jones-Telerate and Milano Finanza-Dow Jones News.
Stefano Pegoraro
Web Development
"Chemistry is an experimental science: if you’re wrong, you’ll explode, you need to know what you’re doing". This is what his studies have taught Stefano and that outline his strategy in web development. He has an analytical approach based on technical skills yet he is curious and open to new ideas and innovative solutions in order to achieve his goals.
mano che prende appunti su un tablet
Tommaso Migliorin
IT Support & Web Editing
Tommaso’s desire to learn and constantly improve represent a valuable contribution and concrete support to Message. He is naturally curious and extremely motivated, both at work and in his free time during which he enjoys listening to music, going to the cinema and reading.
Francesca Vanoni
Admin & Finance
After having obtained a degree in chemistry and pharmaceutical technology and in pharmacy, Francesca began working for the marketing department of a multinational in the sector. She then moved on to working for Message where she now focuses on figures and sums.
Andrea Gentile
IT Project Manager & Innovation
Andrea has years of experience as a Project Manager, leading complex and multidisciplinary projects. Thanks to his diverse skill set, listening abilities, and organizational skills, he is a key reference point within the team. Goal-oriented and determined, he tackles every project with method and precision—qualities that, unfortunately, don’t seem to apply when he tries to assemble furniture without instructions. In his free time, he loves venturing into the woods with his Border, between hidden paths and moments of tranquility.
Davide Della Valentina
Sustainability Services
A former philosopher now adopted by economists and engineers, Davide entered the world of sustainability thanks to a master’s degree in Green Management at Bocconi University in Milan. From there he moved to the corporate world, renewable energy sector, and then to research at the GREEN Bocconi Centre and to consulting, with a focus on the circular economy. From the study of jazz he acquired flexibility, from basketball the value of the group, from dad the tenacity in doing well the projects he cares about.
Emanuele Longheu
Sardinian by origin, Ivorian by adoption: from an early age, Emanuele loves to get to the bottom of what arouses his attention, whether it is a historical figure or a city, so that he can always share with the world what really fascinates him. Graduated in Information Management and Corporate Communication, he tackles job challenges with a pinch of irony and the utmost precision.
Beatrice Coni
Project & Client Management
Beatrice holds a three-year degree in Sociological Sciences and a master's degree in Communication Strategies from the University of Padua. She is originally from Rome, she lived in Padua and now resides in Milan. She has experience as an account and project manager, she is flexible and adapts easily to new contexts. At Message, she manages strategic accounts in synergy with the business units to ensure the achievement of objectives. Passionate about communication and sustainability, she has explored these issues both professionally and personally. In her free time, she loves sports, travelling, watching true crime documentaries and TV series.
Silvia Galzenati
Sustainability Services
Silvia grew up immersed in Internal Communication and Sustainability reports within the automotive industry, despite not driving herself. Sustainability is a core value that permeates her entire life. Be it plastic, cognitive bias, or fair trade, it’s the one area where she doesn’t practice waste separation: she’s always eager to learn more. She balances creative thinking with an analytical approach and values precision and comparison in her work, believing that kindness should always be present. Silvia has a passion for Pilates, seeing it not just as a sport but as a philosophy of life. She also enjoys the history of art, cooking, and good music.
Team IT2
Eleonora Malavenda
Project & Content Management
Eleonora entra in Message portando un mix di autoironia e spirito intraprendente. Si laurea magistrale a pieni voti in Lingue Straniere per la Comunicazione Internazionale all'Università di Torino, dove affina competenze di public speaking, speech writing e comunicazione digitale. Lo studio delle lingue tra cui inglese, tedesco e portoghese le permette di sviluppare una metodologia e un'organizzazione rigorosa, qualità già apprezzate quando gestiva le pubblicazioni istituzionali per una multinazionale italo-americana. Convinta che la miglior formazione passi dal "learn by doing", cerca ambienti stimolanti e dinamici dove apprendere sempre. Nel tempo libero insegna inglese alla nipotina e pianifica con largo anticipo i dettagli delle sue vacanze, che inevitabilmente cambierà.
Valentina Fumagalli
Armonia, equilibrio e precisione sono i pilastri del lavoro di Valentina, capace di trasformare idee in narrazioni visive di impatto unendo competenze tecniche e sensibilità creativa. La sua formazione artistica e l'esperienza nel settore corporate e lifestyle la guidano nella gestione di progetti complessi, dove l'ascolto del cliente e la ricerca della bellezza si fondono in soluzioni comunicative efficaci.


Where it all started

From Red Bricks to the Transparent Factory and the Quinto Ampliamento.
Ivrea and the relaunching of the civil economy.
Enterprise, multiculture and the unique style of Milan.
The timeless charm of Turin.

Ivrea esterni ufficio


Via Monte Navale 1
10015, Ivrea (TO)
+39 0125 1896 975


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Skyline Milano


Via Messina 38, Torre B
20154, Milano (MI)
+39 02 4549 8821


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uffici sunday


Via Davide Bertolotti, 1
10121, Torino (TO)
+39 011 548300

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