
Business and technology, communication and social innovation: these are the cultural and entrepreneurial themes in which Elena’s career is rooted. She has been with Message since 2009, dealing with reputation strategy, branding and corporate communication for some of the biggest listed Italian companies, focussing in particular on structural and organisational change management.
She has gained much experience by working across Europe, Canada and the United States. Her expertise began at the Bocconi University in Milan, followed by in-depth studies related to Business and Management at HEC Montreal, Los Angeles University of California, NYU Stern School of Business in New York and lastly at the Rotterdam School of Management where she obtained a MSc in International Management (CEMS). She has also participated in academic research at the SDA Bocconi School of Management and in Technology & Operations Management at Harvard Business School.
With ICONA srl, she actively participates in the urban regeneration programme of Ivrea, which revolves around the historical Red Brick Factory where the entrepreneurial story of Olivetti began.

Alberto began his career in London with four years in the financial sector, after which he returned to Italy to join the Dow Jones Group, becoming Managing Director. In 1998 he moved to Il Sole 24 Ore where he was nominated Managing Director of the Radiocor Finanza & Internet division and was responsible for the digital evolution of the group until 2003.
In the same year he becomes the co-founder of Message, guiding the growth and development of the company to its leading position in the field of corporate communication. Message is extremely open to external collaboration and well-integrated in a rich ecosystem of operators. Alberto believes in service leadership and has always adopted transparent and participatory management models thanks to his strategic vision and pragmatism which enable him to respond concretely to customers’ demands.
He has a passion for business transformation processes, in particular on topics such as civil economy, stakeholder capitalism and Purpose & Reputation economy, which are central also to Il Quinto Ampliamento association, of which he is vice president. Alberto is also vice president of ICONA srl – owner of Officine ICO of Ivrea – and member of the AEG Coop board.

Dario is co-founder and vice president of Message. He supervises the brand identity and brand strategy offer, from purpose and values to reputation and sustainability integration in company strategy and culture.
The positions covered in the Dow Jones Group, Associated Press and Il Sole 24 Ore - international and national leaders of financial information and content distribution digital platforms – have strongly contributed to his expertise and career, also influencing the establishment of Message as a company pointing towards online strategic communication projects for listed companies.
More recently, this vision is oriented towards designing projects aimed at guiding the top management of our customers in their choice of internal communication and assessment of the social and environmental impacts of their activities.
Dario is also responsible for international relations.

Creative and eclectic, she tries to bring all her enthusiasm about her into everything she does.
She believes in the values of kindness and gentleness and is told very often that she thanks and apologizes way too much.

Nel tempo libero, ama l'attività fisica (preferibilmente all'aperto), il teatro, viaggiare e divorare libri e serie TV.

Nel tempo libero si dedica a passioni che riflettono il suo spirito curioso e creativo: dai videogiochi al montaggio di LEGO, fino alla sperimentazione culinaria, dove ama esplorare nuove ricette e piatti innovativi. Grande appassionato di innovazione, è costantemente aggiornato sulle ultime novità tecnologiche e sugli strumenti di ottimizzazione, dimostrando un interesse genuino per tutto ciò che rappresenta il futuro e il progresso.

Oggi vive a Milano, dove mette impegno e passione nel trasformare la sostenibilità in uno stile di vita e in una professione. Amante dello sport e delle emozioni forti, dedica i fine settimana alle gite fuori porta, al mare d’estate e allo sci d’inverno.

He compares programming to mountain-climbing. Both require total dedication, an obsessive precision in analysing processes and a rapid response to unexpected events…… but when you reach the top the view is breath-taking!

Where it all started
From Red Bricks to the Transparent Factory and the Quinto Ampliamento.
Ivrea and the relaunching of the civil economy.
Enterprise, multiculture and the unique style of Milan.
The timeless charm of Turin.